Metal Steel Manufacturing Podcast
Welcome to the Metal Steel Manufacturing Podcast. We're here to show the world how valuable the manufacturing, metal, and steel industries are. Without this industry, society wouldn't be where we are today; it makes our daily lives possible. We are the forgotten industry and highly undervalued in today's market, collective, and zeitgeist. It's time to change that. Most importantly, to give a platform and pay it forward to the undiscovered leaders, experts, and change-makers who bring purpose, new thought, innovation, and new mindsets not shared enough within trades. I'm Greg Sheldon, 21 years strong in the metal, steel, and manufacturing industry, whether hands-on tools, fabrication, welding & wrenching to design, installation, finishing work or sales, strategy, vision, and leadership. I'm here to ditch the small talk and reignite the excitement for manufacturing and trade in North America.
Metal Steel Manufacturing Podcast
It’s Always About Price Until It’s About Something Else.
It’s always about price until it’s about something else.
A solo episode today by Greg Sheldon.
I talk about how to get out of the zero sum, race to the bottom game. And it may not be what you think. But if is, great, you’re ahead of the game.
This has been accomplished by many other businesses in commodity markets.
Now it’s your turn to dominate your local market.
I’ll give you half an hour of my valuable time for free.
This podcast is about creating awareness and recognizing the industrial space like metal, steel, manufacturing, and welding; while providing value to help you in your career and business endeavors.
Greg Sheldon